Polar Science 101 - Webinar Series
USAPECS is organizing a webinar series for Summer 2019 called 'Polar Science 101', focused on short introductions to various polar topics. Emails will be sent to the USAPECS email list a week before each webinar (sign up for APECS here), and recorded webinars will be available shortly after each one.
Coupled Climate Modeling in Polar Regions
with Alice DuVivier
from the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR)
Organizer: Angela Bliss
Description: This short webinar focuses on the foundations of coupled climate models and specific concerns and applications for these models in the polar regions. In particular, I will discuss the Community Earth System Model (CESM), which provides freely available model code and model data output. I will provide foundations about how the model works, particular model configurations and details important for polar modeling, and present results from the up-to-date model experiments available to the public.
Arctic Policy
with Kelsey Aho
from the Center for Arctic Policy Studies at the University of Alaska - Fairbanks
Friday, June 7, 2019 at 7 pm UCT
Handout for Webinar
Organizer: John Read
Description: The Center for Arctic Policy Studies (CAPS) at the University of Alaska serves the public, the Alaska State government, the Arctic Council and Working Groups, scholars, journalists, and industries seeking to understand Alaska and Arctic issues. We facilitate the sharing of expertise from research scientists, practitioners, Indigenous Knowledge holders, and educators with decision-makers in local, tribal, state, and federal governments. In times of rapid social and environmental change in the Arctic, our aim is to provide clear advice to policy leaders. Why should you write a policy brief? Because your research matters to decision makers! A policy brief is a succinct and targeted hand-out you can use in a variety of venues.
International Teamwork
with Pedro Marques Quinteiro
a Postdoctoral Fellow at William James Center for Research (ISPA- Instituto Universitário)
Friday, May 24, 2019 at 6 pm GMT
Organizer: Alex Taitt
Description: Teamwork in extreme work environments is a highly demanding activity that often requires the collaboration between multiple groups and individuals, coming from different nationalities and with different educational backgrounds. Such diversity challenges the human capacity to collaborate and perform along side international colleagues, especially in Antarctica. In this webinar I will share some of the findings and lessons learned from a two year research project about teamwork during Antarctica summer campaigns.