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Archived USAPECS Webinars

An example of collaborative modeling in the classroom to address a specific hypothesis: the stability of Thwaites Glacier
with The Fluid Dynamics Course
at University of Maine

Organizer: Mariama Dryak

Description: Using numerical models to interrogate a specific hypothesis can be a useful way to facilitate learning and better understand a physical system. Students in the Fluid Dynamics course at the University of Maine used a modeling approach to explore whether Thwaites Glacier, Antarctica would become unstable within the next century. The course investigated different aspects of the physical system such as ice shelf melt from a warm water mass at depth (Circumpolar Deep Water), forcings from mass accumulation on the surface, and effects of basal drag and rheology with a finite-element solution for ice flow using the Ice Sheet System Model (ISSM) and a coupled ocean-atmosphere mixing solution using the Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) method. This webinar goes through the basic inner-workings of our models, results, and comparison with in situ observations. Lastly, we present an evaluation of Thwaites’ stability based on our group modeling and reflect on the usefulness of involved collaborative modeling in the classroom.

Broadening Your Scientific Impact & Addressing NSF Funding Criteria with Polar-ICE

with Carrie Ferraro, Polar-ICE

Organizer: Ellyn Enderlin

Description: Scientists are increasingly being asked to communicate the “broader impacts” of their work. Learn about the important points to include in your a BI statement that will satisfy NSF Criterion II and tips on selecting potential audiences, identifying appropriate collaborators, and developing activities that achieve broader impacts. We will explore a suite of new online resources for scientists aimed at helping you develop a BI statement and fulfill your interest in communicating your science. We will also explore the ways that you can partner with the Polar Interdisciplinary Coordinated Education (Polar-ICE) to fulfill your BI requirements.


Data Visualization
with  Rob Simmon
Data Visualization Engineer at Planet Labs

Organizer: Allen Pope

Description: Creating scientific graphics can be difficult, so come learn some simple tips and tricks from a dataviz expert on composition, color, and design to transform your figures into effective, informative, and beautiful scientific visualizations with your own data! Rob will also focus on the importance of using and choosing the right colors in your figures.

From the archives: 


Datavis and broad
Boiling Down Your Message
with Twila Moon and Daniella Scalice

Organizer: Jim Crowell and Allen Pope

Description: These two energetic speakers will share their tips and lessons learned from two fast-paced formats for persuasively talking about your science.  

From the archives:


Building Bridges & Designing Activities with Teachers

with Morgan Seag, 

manager of Bay Area Scientists in Schools 

Organizer: Ellyn Enderlin

Description: Want to inspire the next generation? Webinar presenter Morgan Seag has trained hundreds of scientists to conduct engaging, interactive outreach lessons in elementary and middle schools. Join us to learn how to build bridges with teachers and design simple activities that leave an impact.

From the archives: 

Boil and teachers
Outreach from Afar: Follow-A-Researcher in the Field

with Kit Hamley & Charles Rodda

University of Maine Climate Change Institute

Organizer: Ellyn Enderlin

Description: Check out the Follow-A-Researcher project at & on Twitter.

From the archives:


The Art and Science of Blogging
with Mia Bennett, Cryopolitics blogger

Organizer: Mia Bennett

Description: For over seven years, Mia Bennett has written a blog on all things Arctic. Drawing on her experience blogging for the Foreign Policy Association and now the independently-run Cryopolitics, she'll talk about the art and science of blogging and how you can use it to improve your communication, research, and impact. 

From the archives: 

Writing for Media and the General Public
with Jeff Richardson, public information officer at the University of Alaska Fairbanks

Organizer: Lauren Frisch

Description: Jeff Richardson has experience working in local media and as the public information officer for the University of Alaska Fairbanks. His webinar will give some tips about finding the story in your research, and other strategies to consider when writing for the media and general audiences.

From the archives:


Other webinars and resources

Oureach and blogging
Meeting your Outreach Goals with Strategic Science Communication 

with Kristin Timm,

Science communication lead for SNAP

April 22, 1:00pm EDT   

Info/Registration here

Polar-ICE ( is an NSF funded project consisting of an interdisciplinary group of educators and scientists working together to share scientific research from the Arctic and Antarctica with educators and students.   Our mission is to connect Polar scientists with broader audiences to further the impact of their research, while connecting primarily informal and formal educators and students with data and cutting edge science. We invite polar scientists to participate in our professional workshop ( and/or work with us in writing Criterion II/Broader Impact Statements ( to collaborate on creating/supporting education and outreach programs. 


Need help on a poster?
Check out this website for some tips. 


Last updated November 2024

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