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Minutes from Dec. 16 Board Meeting at AGU

On December 16, 2016 at 7:00 am, USAPECS held an in-person board meeting at the Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union in San Francisco, CA. The minutes from the meeting are below.

Some of the attendees at the APECS Board Meeting at AGU. Photo: Kristina Creek, ARCUS.


Alice Bradley

Ellyn Enderlin

Mia Bennett

Kristina Creek

Jim Crowell

Sara Strey

Lauren Frisch

Olivia Lee

1. Outreach

  • PEI collaboration

  • Antarctica day-inspired

  • Ellyn working with PEI on getting a list of teachers together who are interested

  • Field photo database

  • Mia is in charge!

  • PolarTrek teachers are definitely interested, too

  • Kristina can help coordinate

  • Random emails work, too

  • Instructions would be really handy for people

  • FAQ list would be good

  • have APECS members let USAPECS know

  • Jim will work on getting something together

  • Reddit AMAs

  • Twitter advertising helpful. Twitter event less helpful.

  • Advertise on ArcticInfo

2. 2016 Webinars and Events


  • Broader impacts (Alice organizing)

  • Figures/color (Allen Pope organizing)

  • Writing for general audiences (Lauren)

  • Making posters (Sara/Kristina)


  • Science & Policy Workshop @ Arctic Science Summit Week, Fairbanks, AK. March 14, 2016

  • Local events?

  • Possibly remind people that local events are a good thing. Have one event and then send it out and encourage others to do the same?

  • Boulder might be a good place to start since there is already a large polar contingent there.

3. Board elections in January

Alice will send out emails starting in early January. We need a new co-chair to replace Alice!

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