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2023-2024 Call for Blogs

This year, USAPECS is hosting a blog series entitled “Exploring Polar Science Across Disciplines”! We are looking for US-based scientists and professionals with any polar/alpine/cryosphere connection for this series. Our goal is to gain perspectives from a variety of disciplines in polar research to help inform the early career community of what research pathways exist in the community. We will prioritize blog posts from those who are in their early career, but we welcome proposals from those at any career stage. Potential topics include: your interest in polar science and how your research reflects that, how your research has fostered collaboration outside your respective field, and other related topics of your choice. We invite you to share experiences participating and networking, or any new insights with the USAPECS community by submitting a blog post proposal.


Each blog will be approximately 3-5 paragraphs (or longer, if preferred) and a series of optional questions and writing prompts will be provided for inspiration.


If you are interested in participating, please email with your name, affiliation, polar discipline, career field (academia, government, NGO, private sector, etc.) and a short (1-3 sentence) pitch by February 2nd, 2024

Please forward this announcement to any others who you think have an interesting perspective to share and may be willing to participate. Selected blog contributors will be notified within two weeks. The series will be launched in late spring and will consist of monthly or bi-monthly posts depending on the level of interest we receive.

Kind regards,

USAPECS Blog Committee

US Association of Polar Early Career Scientists 

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