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Call for Board Members: 2022-2023

USAPECS announces our call for applications for the 2022-2023 executive board. Members of the USAPECS Board work together to develop and execute activities of interest and beneficial to Association of Polar Early Career Scientists (APECS) members in the US. These activities can include anything you're passionate about—relevant to polar early career researchers—from organizing social events or panel discussions at meetings to running a remotely-hosted AMA (‘Ask-Me-Anything’) session or organizing a webinar.

Our activities in 2021/22 included:

  • Updating and increasing our focus on Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, and Access (IDEA) initiatives

  • Organizing a blog series focusing on ‘Becoming a Polar Scientist’

  • Creating early career newsletters in collaboration with the IARPC Early Career Forum

  • Participating in International Polar Week activities including an AMA on reddit

  • Sharing research and other opportunities on our Twitter account

Task groups we hope to run in 2022/23 include:

  • AGU Events

  • Social media

  • Blog

  • Webinars

  • Website maintenance

  • Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, and Accessibility (IDEA)

  • IARPC Collaboration on the Early Career Forum

This is a great opportunity to become more involved in the broader polar science community within the US. The time commitment varies depending on your level of involvement, but is typically two hours or so per month unless you are particularly involved in an activity (like running a scicomm workshop or leading the organization of the AGU fall meeting).

If you're interested in serving on the USAPECS Board in 2022/23, please send an email to with:

  • your name

  • title of your current position (undergrad, Masters student, PhD student, postdoc, faculty, science tech, science outreach coordinator, etc)

  • where you are employed (or the University you are attending)

  • a few short sentences on why you think you would be a good fit for the USAPECS board and activities you would like to help organize this year. We especially welcome new ideas associated with the task groups we hope to run in 2022/23 and how you intend on helping to see those through.

Applications are due September 7th. We will have an online meeting to welcome new members mid-September.

We look forward to hearing from you!

Kind regards,

Erika Schreiber + Alex Taitt




Last updated November 2024

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