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Tipping the Balance:

Exploring Rapid Changes in Polar Ice Cover

Polar regions are highly dynamic with dramatic changes occurring over fast time scales. The films within this theme aim to highlight these rapid changes that take place in extreme environments.​

The films

The Birds and the Bears

Short film (2:20), general audience

The melting ice affects the polar bears’ habitat and available prey for sustenance which in turn affects other species, like arctic bird colonies.

Finding Out How Fast Greenland Is Melting

Short film (5:23), general audience

Follow a group of Dartmouth students as they collect ice cores in Greenland to support their cutting-edge research as the ice sheet's melt.

CRYOSPHERE: Frozen in Time

Short film (4:09), general audience

This short movie made from memories of three decades fast forwarded and rewound in funerary remembrance of three people. The authors tried to show the relation of lost love and a changing landscape. It is more emotional, than direct.


CRYOSPHERE: Frozen in Time presents still and moving images, narrated by letters written to a past self, to articulate the encounter between the half-century-old artist and the two-and-a-half-million-year-old cryosphere, the solid water of Earth. Glaciers advance and recede. Memories of three short decades fast forward and rewind in funerary remembrance. The memoriam offers viewers an intimate, one-sided glimpse of love lost to a changing landscape.

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Last updated November 2024

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