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A Story of Melting Polar Regions

The polar regions are strongly affected by global warming, with temperatures in the Arctic rising two to three times faster than the global average. 

The films

Drifting North: Into the Polar Night: 4K Dome Format

Film (25:23)

Step out onto an ice floe in the middle of the Arctic Ocean, and watch and listen as scientists race the fading light to set up one of the most ambitious international climate collaborations ever, MOSAiC. The Multidisciplinary Drifting Observatory for the Study of Arctic Climate launched in September 2019. Led by the German Alfred Wegener Institute, the mission froze an icebreaker into the Central Arctic Ocean, to better understand the remote region and the role it plays in global climate and weather patterns.

A film by Amy Richman

Funded by National Science Foundation grant no. 1839104

​CU Boulder's Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences and Fiske Planetarium


Short film (2:50)

This Antarctic summer, the twenty-seventh Peruvian campaign was carried on board Peruvian Navy polar research vessel BAP Carrasco. It was a five-week voyage to Antarctic Peninsula, Bransfield Strait and South Shetland Islands. During this time we took sediment (for benthos, microplastics, heavy metals analysis), rocks and water samples. The ORCA project is leaded by Luis Cerpa from Peruvian Geological Institute (INGEMMET) and cooperation and participation of multidisciplinary researchers from Peru, Chile, Colombia, Uruguay, Spain and Belgium.

​Keyssi Rodriguez

Tales From a Floe 4: Marginal Ice Station

Short film (2:16)

Documentation of my experience on a two-month expedition to the Arctic Ocean in 2018. Tales of isolation and science at sea to help us get through being isolated at home. This episode is about sampling the marginal ice zone.

Andrew Margolin

University of British Columbia

MOSAiC Arctic Research Expedition

Film (12:12)

A short documentation about the life on board, the fieldwork on the ice and the goals of the biggest research expedition in the Central Arctic. It can especially be used in schools. More material can be found here:

Friederike Krüger, teacher for geography and german at german school IGS Bothfeld in Hanover, Germany

Drifters of the Sea: Antarctic Citizen Science

Film (8:51)

Drifters of the Sea is a film that shows the efforts of FjordPhyto in Antarctica. FjordPhyto is a citizen science project in Antarctica that allows tourists to participate in science by collecting phytoplankton. 

Allison Cusick, Gabriela Lamanna, and Maria Vernet

Scripps Institution of Oceanography

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Last updated July 2024

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