Arctic Early Career News
USAPECS + IARPC Early Career Forum
Periodically USAPECS and the IARPC Early Career Forum will share research from, and opportunities for, early career researchers working in the polar regions. This regular round-up aims to highlight and celebrate the work being done by early career researchers in Arctic research. If you have information you would like to submit, please see the link below.
Are you or do you know an early career researcher who has recently published work related to the Arctic? We at USAPECS and the IARPC Early Career Forum want to highlight your work! Please fill out this form with any Arctic publications, webinars, posters, etc. and we will share on the IARPC Early Career Forum and with our USAPECS Twitter followers. Anyone who identifies as early career is eligible to submit! Any questions? Email usapecs@gmail.com for more information. Submit documents here: https://forms.gle/S1Gd3jpE4CtSoY6Y6
Ebru Caymaz, Y. Barbaros Buyuksagnak, Burcu Ozsoy
“A Proposal on Enhancing Arctic Resilience through Eliciting Indigenous Knowledge on Observing”
Keywords: Arctic Resilience, Indigenous Knowledge, Knowledge Management
Type: Community Input
Twitter: @phoebe_121
Karl J. Romanowicz, George W. Kling
“Summer thaw duration is a strong predictor of the soil microbiome and its response to permafrost thaw in arctic tundra”
Date of Publication: September 2022
Keywords: Arctic Tundra, Permafrost Thaw, Soil Microbiome
Type: Paper
Twitter: @KarlRomanowicz
Website: https://kromanowicz.github.io/
Dylan Blaskey, Joshua C. Koch, Michael N. Gooseff, Andrew J. Newman, Yifan Cheng, Jonathan A. O'Donnell, and Keith N. Musselman
“Increasing Alaskan river discharge during the cold season is driven by recent warming”
Date of Publication: February 2023
Type: Paper
Twitter: @DBlaskey
Website: dblaskey.weebly.com
USAPECS Polar Film Fest Filmmaker’s Roundtable 9/21/23
In conjunction with APECS International Polar Week, USAPECS is proud to welcome you to the 2023 Polar Film Fest. September 18-22, 2023. The Polar Film Fest (PFF) is a showcase of some of the best recent films about the polar and alpine regions produced by researchers, community members, Indigenous Peoples, organizations, and institutions. All films are freely available for viewing for the entirety of International Polar Week.This year we are especially excited to announce an online Filmmaker’s Roundtable on Thursday, September 21, 2023 from 10:00/11:00 Alaska/13:00-14:00 EDT/17:00-18:00 GMT. Filmmakers will discuss their films followed by a public question and answer session.
Register for the USAPECS webinar event: https://iarpc.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZMsdO6grjMsHd3r9iM_w11wIvA43adQOJj-
IARPC Early Career Survey
The Early Career Community of Practice is implementing an annual survey to track Early Career (EC) involvement in IARPC and to identify needs in the community. This survey should take around 10 minutes to complete and all questions are optional. The more information we gather the better we can support EC researchers. We appreciate you sharing this with EC folks in your teams and IARPC in general. We encourage every IARPC member who identifies as early career to complete this survey. The survey will close on Friday, October 13th 2023. Thank you for taking the time to help us help you!
If you are an EC researcher associated with IARPC, please see the original post for survey link.
Please note that anonymized, data-relevant results of this survey may be shared with other IARPC teams and the IARPC Secretariat.
Registration for PSECCO’s BAJEDI Workshop designed specifically for polar early career scientists is open!
The workshop will take place on Tuesday, October 3rd from 10am to 1pm MT and registration is free (but please only register if you can for sure attend). To learn more about the workshop and how to register for it please visit the BAJEDI Workshop page on our website (linked here). Registration will be capped at 50 registrants.
Fundamentals in Data Management for Qualitative and Quantitative Arctic Research
Held at National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis, Santa Barbara, California January 22nd – 26th, 2024
This 5-day in-person workshop will provide researchers with an overview of reproducible and ethical research practices, steps and methods for more easily documenting and preserving their data at the Arctic Data Center, and an introduction to programming in R. Special attention will be paid to qualitative data management, including practices working with sensitive data.
For applications to receive full consideration, they must be received by 5 pm Pacific Time on Friday, September 29, 2023.
Visit https://arcticdata.io/training/ for more information and to apply.
Reproducible Approaches to Arctic Research Using R
Held Virtually
February 26th – March 1, 2024
This 5-day remote workshop will provide researchers with an overview of best data management practices, data science tools for cleaning and analyzing data, and concrete steps and methods for more easily documenting and preserving their data at the Arctic Data Center. Example tools included R, Rmarkdown, and git/GitHub. This course provided background in both the theory and practice of reproducible research, spanning all portions of the research lifecycle, from ethical data collection following the CARE principles to engage with local stakeholders, to data publishing.
Apply by October 31st, 2023
Visit https://arcticdata.io/training/ to apply and for more information.
